Rehab Hard Money

 "Rehab Hard Money"

Investors take advantage of REHAB HARD MONEY lending 

Rehab Hard Money is private money for the purpose of renovation or rehabilitation of real estate. These funds are available to seasoned investors with a track record of completing "Fix & Flips" under the Rehab Hard Money program successfully but not necessary. Investor can be familiar with the process having worked side by side with another investor/owner. We like to see a few deals under their belt or we will require more leverage in the deal. Its kind of a give and take or balancing of the risks. 

Rehab Hard Money in Los Angeles has been steadily building steam only to sputter out toward the end of 2014. We beleive 2015 will be a year where many will stretch the bounds of this real estate market.  Investor must narragate this market carefully and think reserve for contingencies should be increased to ensure a long staying power should the market decide to colapse under the enormous debt of all governments f an economic colapse looming should encourage investors to keep a tight leash aournd all of their investments in real estate. We will consider loans up to 65% of the after repaired value (ARV) or 80% of total costs, which ever is less. 

All Rehab Hard Money | Construction funds are subject to a builder fund control (BFC). BFC will want to see a full breakdown of the costs (Itemizied) along with a breakdown of the future construction  milestones to estatblish the construction draws or if you have one worked out , a tentative draw schedule for construction funds. 

Rehab Hard money in California is available by calling Hard Money Direct at: 714-561-6021 or go to your website: 
www. and submit a loan application 

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